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Antarctic Accreditation

The Antarctic Accreditation (Selo Antártico, in Portuguese) is a certification that InterAntar and Instituto Gelo na Bagagem grant to schools and other institutions that incorporate Antarctic knowledge and culture in their classrooms, thus contributing to the understanding of the importance of Antarctic research for Brazilian society.


Promote knowledge and scientific culture about Antarctica in learning processes at different levels – from early childhood education to higher education.

Instigate the inclusion of Antarctic themes in Basic Education school curricula.

Collaborate for the formation of an Antarctic mentality, through the awareness of the public about how we influence and how we are influenced by the natural events present in the white continent.

To popularize the Antarctic sciences.

How to get certified and why is it important?

Schools and other institutions interested in obtaining the label "Selo Antártico" are instructed to accomplish a set of annual prerequisite activities to obtain the label.

The certification will serve to consolidate these activities and make them part of the routine in the classroom, and recognize the activities of teachers, coordinators and principals in implementing projects that aim to raise awareness and raise awareness of the importance of polar sciences.

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