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Review detailed descriptions and scientific information about each species. These models help you visualize and better understand polar animals and plants, and encourage the use of emerging technologies like 3D printing in the school environment.

Scientific name

Aglaophamus trissophyllus.

Common name



They tend to have an average size of 50 cm.


No information.


They are present on the islands of South George, Heard and Kerguelen.


They feed on detritus.


Females produce a pheromone that attracts and stimulates males to release sperm, which in turn release eggs. After fertilization, the eggs become planktonic.

Conservation status

Data deficient.

If you've come this far and want to print this model, make sure you have access to a 3D printer. Access the 3D Printing Guide and follow the step-by-step instructions.​

After accessing the 3D Printing Guide, download the files for this model from the Download button.

Printing difficulty


estrela cheia.png
estrela cheia.png
estrela cheia.png
estrela contorno.png
estrela contorno.png


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